Tuesday 31 May 2011

Unpredictable weather..

Today, the weather was very unpredictable. It kept on raining, then shine, rain, then shine, rain, then shine... I think weather-san's having a hard time making up on what climate it should be. Because of weather-san, I feel dizzy. (_ _") This kind of weather just makes me feel, well.. kind of sick. I don't want to be sick, especially that I wanna be on my good essay-writing mode since we'll be having our Provincial ELA Exams on Monday next week. *sighs* But I think, I hope I'll feel better later on this day. (*^_^*)

This afternoon, Line-chan and Ate Abby came over at our house to study Stats! Nee-chan's helping them out. Nee-chan's really good at math, even I think she should replace our suckish math teacher at school. If I wanna pass my Math Exam next, next week, I'll have to ask her to be my math teacher and I'm pretty sure I'll do better. Haha! But nope, I'll focus on my upcoming ELA exam first! Ganbarimasu! (><)

According to Line-chan, she took over our camera for a while. She took some cool pictures with it! \(^^)/

*Pictures were taken by Line-chan. Credits go to her, as well! :)

These are some random pictures that I took. Yep, I was able to take a few pics outside since it was only drizzling. Now, it's worse. (_ _")
By the way, I took some pics of Line-chan's Lilac Flowers! *Yay!*
 They smell so nice!~ o(^0^)o


  1. Hello! I linked your blog to my blog. :) Lotsa love. ♥

  2. Line-chan!~ Thank you :) I just saw this now since I wasn't able to blog recently :P Ahehe.. Arigato! (^_^)
    Miss you Line-chan! ♥
